My Breakfast Sausage.

Last weekend, I found myself lucky enough to have come into possession of about 3 pounds of pork trimmings and pork fat...

Sausage seemed the way to go.

I made sure the pork was in strips that would fit in my grinder...

Then I seasoned the whole bowlful with 4t of kosher salt, 3T of dried sage from the garden (rubbed and stems removed), 20 or more grinds of black pepper, and at least 1t red pepper flakes.  I tossed the pork and the seasonings and let it all sit while I set up my grinder.  Then ground the mixture (with the fine blade) once through.  You can do it twice, but oh what a pain!

Next sauté a small patty to taste for seasoning.  As usual, I couldn't quite believe just how much salt sausage requires.  So I spread the mixture on a cutting board, added another teaspoon of salt, a bit more sage, and a sprinkle more of red pepper flakes (just for fun)...

Sautéed another patty...


And packed away my bounty to freeze, with visions of those perfect weekend breakfasts-to-be... with eggs... or biscuits... or both.

Except, of course, for the portion left unfrozen because...

Tomorrow's breakfast is only about 18 hours away!!!

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