Grain Bowl (Is That A Great, Inviting Name or What?!?!?)

OK.  Fine  Awful name.  But this really is one of my favorite ways to eat in the summer!

Make a few small batches of grains (for this dinner, I made barley, forbidden rice, and white rice), add some beans (today's were black and garbanzo), mince a ton of fresh herbs from the garden (parsley, tarragon, sage, basil, rosemary, chives).  Add some minced scallions.  Add some veg (chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, asparagus, limas... pretty much anything you like).

Dress with a vinegary vinaigrette.  Check for salt and pepper.

Seriously...  You won't miss meat.  You won't feel deprived.  You'll be eating a salad without feeling like you're only eating leaves. This can also skew Asian:  Thai... Indian... or Mexican... Spanish... I'm serious!

I love these.  And no two ever taste exactly the same.  And they can happily sit in the fridge for a few days, for lunches and/or future dinners.

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